Monday, January 7, 2013 a Good Way

Overwhelmed…in a Good Way

I have amazing family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and students.  My family = amazing!  My friends = incredible!  My neighbors = wonderful!  My coworkers = supportive!  Immediately after being diagnosed, everyone was incredibly kind and encouraging.  My friends immediately grouped together and offered to help and do whatever they could.  Family and friends truly helped me more than they will ever know.  My coworkers gave us Schwann’s gift cards because they know how weird I am about food.  My students made cards, gave me a group gift, and sent many special messages.  My neighbors are the best.  They have gone above and beyond. 

I am not necessarily surprised by all the kindness because I already knew these people were all great, but to have them all there for me at the same time…I cannot express the gratitude.  Even people, I have not spoken with in many years were showing support.  How does this all make me feel?  It makes me feel special, it also makes me feel like I’m dying or something!  Regardless, I am thankful for everyone who sent prayers, well wishes, gifts, etc. 

Looking on the Bright Side…I hope all these people will continue or start or remind their loved ones to do self-breast exams.  I want people to become familiar with their breasts, normal lumps and all.  Plus, I sound pretty knowledgeable about boobies now so I think they will listen to me.

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