Saturday, January 5, 2013

Feeling like a T-Rex

T-Rex – Post Surgery/November

Just a warning to anyone reading this who may have to go through a mastectomy and lymph node removal…you will spend a couple of weeks feeling and looking (and in extreme cases even sounding) like a T-Rex.  I was surprised post-surgery that I didn’t feel a lot of pain in my chest, but there was a lot of pain in my arm/armpit and I had very limited movement (especially) in the arm they removed the lymph nodes from.  I felt like a T-Rex.  You know with their strangely small and useless arms.  It was so frustrating to have worthless arms!  I couldn’t do anything for myself.  I eventually found myself also grunting when I tried to do something out of my reach.  This only made my T-Rex theory more real.  I would have to stop making that noise immediately.  I’m scaring my kids.  My husband’s not a fan of it either.

Then there were the drains.  I had four drains coming out of my body.  Gross!  I’m not going to go into details here.  My husband had to deal with most of it.  He has been so great.  I love him so much!

Looking on the Bright Side…I now know why the T-Rex is always portrayed as mean and crabby, it’s just not right to have arms that don’t function.


  1. Angie,
    I think you are very courageous writing this blog! I feel very connected to you. Please know that I think of you and your family often! Keep "looking at the bright side"!

  2. Angie! You crack me up! Thank you for sharing with us. I am praying for comfort, energy, peace and healing for you. Blessings to you and your family.

    Oh...check out this shirt. ;)
