Saturday, January 26, 2013

Goodbye Red Devil

Goodbye Red Devil

The worst may be behind me.  I just finished my fourth and final cycle of the chemo combination of Adriamycin and Cytoxan.  It has been 7 weeks and in another week this stuff with be out of my system.  I hope to never have to see these drugs again.  This drug combination is pretty intense and hard hitting and I feel like I was hit pretty hard.  Adriamycin (aka “the red devil”) has been especially difficult.  Adriamycin is a vesicant, meaning it’s a chemical that can cause extensive tissue damage and blistering if it escapes the vein so the nurses have to manually push it through the IV.  Very carefully.  Ugh, I shiver at the thought of seeing the red liquid cautiously entering my body, leaving its nasty side effects behind as a reminder.

 I have approximately 13 weeks left of chemo and 12 treatments.  Starting this week, I will go weekly for Taxol.  Apparently, Taxol (or at least the amount I’m getting per treatment) is not quite as rigorous and harsh on the body.  I am told that the side effects will most likely be milder than they were with the other drugs.  Some women even experience hair regrowth!  The Adriamycin and Cytoxan really affected my blood counts leaving me at a very increased risk for infection and needing two blood transfusions.  As if all that were not enough we have also had a lot going around our house.  Since Thanksgiving we have had the following illnesses

·         Ear infections (3 total)

·         Sinus infection

·         Croup (twice)

·         Fevers and cold symptoms (too many to count)

·         Cancer (one, but it's kind of major so I think it get's another mention)

Jeff and I have cleaned and re-cleaned our house so many times. We have washed and disinfected every possible surface and done enough hot water laundry that I’m surprised our laundry machines still work.  I am praying for a bit of break.  I think we deserve it.  All this illness is starting to get in the way of my desired optimistic attitude.  Even my “looking on the bright side” is kind of a downer. Hey, I’m trying!

Looking on the Bright Side…I have always joked that I would like to hibernate through the winter like some animals get to as I really dislike winter, cold, and snow.  I finally have my chance!  Unfortunately it’s not as cool as I thought it would be, at least under these circumstances.  Now I know.

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