When I started this blog I had no real expectation other than
to keep a few people updated on my health. I figured people who were
interested, could check the blog and I wouldn’t have to shove my boring
doctor’s visit stories into people faces via Facebook. I didn’t anticipate that
I would really even have much to say. I soon realized that writing about my
experience was therapeutic for me and it truly was a nice way to keep people
informed. It also became a way for me to give a voice to breast cancer. I had
known people who have been through cancer and treatments but I didn’t actually
know what it involved and how incredibly scaring, overwhelming, and crazy it
all is. People know the statistics but not always the everyday struggles that
go along with those statistics. I was admittedly naïve and under informed about
breast cancer before I got thrown into it.
I was shocked at how many people were reading the blog and
even more shocked at how many people enjoyed reading it. It was a completely
unexpected bonus to hear that my blog had inspired people. I could not be more
pleasantly surprised with that outcome. Although I had not set out to do that,
it makes me so happy to know that people have been moved by my words and my
story. The blog has received over 40,000 pageviews!!! It has been viewed by
people all around the world. I appreciate all the support and very kind words
of encouragement. I am hoping that I will not have a lot more to say on the
subject of cancer, so I will most likely be taking a blogging hiatus. No news
is good news.
Signing off.
Looking on the Bright Side...Life is normal