Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Radiation Rules

Radiation Rules

It is summer and I’m going through radiation with the instructions to stay inside from 10am-3pm whenever possible, stay in the shade, cover up (the lower half of my neck, right shoulder and chest area), stay out of the water, and apply lots of sunscreen.  Did I mention it’s summer?  Oh yeah, I did.  I also have two little kids who love to be outside ALL day long.  I have always been very good about protecting my skin with sunscreen, but the above guidelines have been challenging to abide by.  I half-jokingly made an earlier comment about buying dickie turtlenecks to ensure the appropriate coverage but I may have found a more “stylish” option.  I know, I know.  You’re wondering what’s more stylish than a dickie.  I didn’t think one existed either.  However, I have decided to use all the scarves that were previously used to cover my bald head to now cover my sensitive radiated skin.  So, I walk around wearing a scarf in the hot summer weather as if it’s the most normal thing in the world.  On occasion I will try to sneak out of the house without coverage (other than sunscreen) and Jeff will remind me that I do not want to do anything to jeopardize my timeline.  So I dramatically fling my scarf around my neck and head outdoors in the heat careful not to soak up the summer sun.

Looking on the Bright Side…Radiation treatments have been extremely uneventful, which is exactly how I like it to be.

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