Every year through my job (the school district) we have had the opportunity to participate in a Wellness Screening Program. This is the first year that it was mandatory, unless you don’t mind a monthly fee for not participating. For the past few years, I have always done the wellness screenings, but knowing I wasn’t well this year I could have done without it. To avoid the extra cost, I did the free screening which includes getting results from a series of blood tests, my BMI, blood pressure, a health questionnaire, etc. I went in to the school gym wearing my head scarf and an obvious “I am not well” look to participate in the wellness screening. Kind of ironic, right?
I did everything I needed to do, including the Health Power Profile Questionnaire where the question “do you have or have you ever had cancer?” came up. I realized that for the rest of my life I would have to respond to that ominous question with a “yes”. Which I reluctantly did. What would happen if I put “no”, would it change something? I guess not, it would just feel so good to be able to put “NO!!!!” (I would have had to add the exclamation marks). All those previous years of filling out this questionnaire I breezed by this question. Now this question brings me so much pain. Now this question takes my breath away for a moment. I think there should have at least been more options to choose from other than just a simple “yes” or “no”. There is nothing simple about cancer. Maybe they should take a cue from Facebook and add an “it’s complicated” option. Or there could be an “according to the doctors, yes, but I am still in denial” option for those who are not ready to commit to a full blown “yes”. Or maybe a “don’t worry about it” option for those who are exhausted with all the cancer talk and questions.
I guess I will wait for the results to arrive in the mail. I already know what they are going to look like. Am I well? No, but it’s complicated!
on the Bright Side…my blood pressure, cholesterol, and BMI are completely
normal. Take that cancer!
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