Friday, March 29, 2013

Hair Police Need Not Read

Hair Police Need Not Read
As I have mentioned, my hair is growing back.  It feels great to have some hair again.  I’m a little bit like a chia pet right now.  My hair has sprouted!  Every day I check in the mirror to see if it has grown any more.  It just sticks straight up.  My kids like to rub my head; they say it feels soft like fur.  It does.   

Today, I did something I haven’t done in months.  I shampooed my hair!!!!  I was in the shower and I grabbed for the bottle of shampoo.  That lonely bottle that has been unused and untouched for so long.  I opened the bottle and it smelled so good.  At first I felt like I might be doing something wrong.  Is this allowed?  Can I put shampoo on the little peach fuzz I call hair?  I looked around like the hair police was going to catch me “put the shampoo bottle down ma’am.  No one has to get hurt.  Just put it down.  We both know you don’t have enough hair yet to use shampoo.  That’s right, put it down.”   Then like the dangerous badass we all know I am.  I did it.  I shampooed my hair.  And you know what?  It was amazing.  Really amazing!  I loved the way the suds felt on my scalp.  And the way it ran down my back when I washed it away.  The smell was incredible.  It made me feel so feminine again.  If the hair police do exist and are reading this right now.  Arrest me if you must.  It was totally worth it!

Looking on the Bright Side…we all know that the hair police doesn’t exist.  Right?!?!  As long as Donald Trump is out there, I feel pretty safe.

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking that your hair looks long enough to put one of those bows in that you were talking about. At least a small barrette. It looks really good! It grew back in fast! I have a friend who has lung cancer, and her hair just started growing back. It was just a little longer than this, and she called up one day and said, "We need to meet for lunch so I can show you my hair!" And of course, the whole family went and met her an hour away to see her new hair! She was so excited about it! Her hair grew in curly (it had always been straight!) She's in love with it! She even said that she's thinking about keeping it short because it's so cute! :)
