Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Their Strange Addiction

Their Strange Addiction

Sometimes I feel bitter when I see certain people who live a much less healthy lifestyle than mine be healthier than me.  I’m not about to preach or anything but it just doesn’t make any sense that someone who smokes a pack a day or still uses tanning beds would not have cancer, but I do.  Not that I wish cancer upon anyone but I’m just pointing out the obvious unfairness of life.  I was out to dinner with some girlfriends and we started talking about the show on TLC - My Strange Addiction.  Now, I have never actually seen the show but I have seen previews for it.  It got me thinking.  How is someone who is addicted to drinking gasoline in better health than me?  When I see the story about a woman who is addicted to licking her cats, it makes me mad (and way grossed out).  My body is working against me creating cancer cells to kill me but the lady who eats playground sand is doing alright.  How does that work?   What made my body turn against me?  I have never eaten vapor rub, nail files, facial masks, or glue.  In fact, I really only eat food.  Real human food.  Healthy human food at that.  It’s such a mystery to me.  How does eating a steady diet of couch cushions not equate to getting cancer?  There is still so much we don’t know about cancer, sometimes I wonder if it really matters what we eat or do.  Regardless, I’ll stick to eating actual food and trying to maintain a “healthy” lifestyle to keep cancer from killing me while these people go on living their life.  Now I am unaware of any scientific studies specifically linking the consumption of things like scotch tape to cancer, but I’m willing to bet there will be some type of medical assistance needed for all these strange addictions eventually.  Licking your cat has to catch up with you eventually, right?   

I want to add that I am not trying to undermine these super strange addictions in any way.  These people obviously have some issues, but I am referring exclusively to their physical health and specifically their current lack of cancer. 

Looking on the Bright Side…comparing myself to a doll sniffing addict and someone who makes out with his car, I feel pretty normal.  There is no silver lining to my cancer situation, but feeling normal is nice.

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