Thursday, April 4, 2013

Satisfaction Gauranteed

Satisfaction Gauranteed

I don’t mean to go hating on chemo again, but are just so many things to hate about chemo!  One thing in particular really bothers me.  I asked my doctor about how we will know for sure that the chemo is working.  The answer, “we don’t know.”  Huh?  For real?  There is no absolute scientific way of knowing that chemo has successfully killed every single cancer cell.  It reduces the risk of cancer returning, but from there it’s a bit unknown.  It would be really nice if there was a way to know.  I want to see posters hanging around all those chemo chairs boasting “Satisfaction Guaranteed” and “100% Satisfied or Your Money Back!”  I want to know with certainty that the poison they are putting in my body is working.  Is that really too much to ask?

Would you do certain things if the results were unknown?  Let’s say you had someone come out to fix your broken refrigerator and when finished told you “okay it should work, but there is really no way of knowing for sure right now.  If all your food spoils, then we know it’s not working.  Oh by the way, you owe me $300.”  Um, that is not okay!

It would be nice to know if something is working properly.  I’m paying big bucks for all this medicine and it might not work?  I want to walk in to chemo and be treated like a VIP customer.  I would like to walk in and be greeted by name.  I want to be seated in a private room and I want to be offered something to drink or a snack to munch on.  I want to be comfortable and should be offered a blanket and pillow.  Does that sound unreasonable?  Wait.  Hold On.  This is exactly what happens every time I walk into chemo.  Have I mentioned before how awesome the nurses and staff there are?  Seriously amazing!  Now, we just need to work on that guarantee that the drugs are absolutely positively going to save my life and keep me cancer free forever or my money back!

Looking on the Bright Side...the nurses and staff at the hospital really are wonderful and I do feel like a VIP - Very Important Patient, and it's totally acceptable to wear sweatpants so that's an extra bonus.

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree with you Angie!! That guarantee would be nice. The staff there make it way easier to accept though. :-)
