Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Temper Tantrum in Radiation Oncology, Room 3 – May 15th

Temper Tantrum in Radiation Oncology, Room 3 – May 15th

So I went to see my radiation oncologist.  I met him back in November when I discovered that radiation was going to be part of my treatment plan.  Right now I am more nervous about getting “off schedule” than I am about the actual radiation process.  I am pretty sure there is a section in my chart warning all the doctors of my hyper vigilance to stay on schedule.  I like to think I am a pretty good patient overall.  I don’t make much of a fuss during my treatments, surgeries, and appointments…until they mention things getting delayed.  Then I begin to panic just a bit.  I have a little temper tantrum in my brain and I’m like a 3 year old who is upset at having to put on some pants.  My lower lip pops out in a big fat pout, I cross my arms to make it clear that I’m not happy, and smoke begins to shoot out of my ears.  I have it in my head that treatments will be over by the end of June.  Since my drains have been in longer than expected, radiation is delayed.  In my whiniest voice I thinkbut I set up the appointment already.  I called and said I wanted to start radiation on May 20th”.Whaaaa!”  This is not going as planned.  I still have to go to the assimilation visit (where they create the mold for my body and begin calculating angles and placements of beams so as not to accidently zap an organ), then I have the verification visit (where they verify that the beams are hitting the correct area and none of the surrounding organs), and then I finally have my first of twenty-eight treatments.  Basically, this means that I will not be done with treatments at the end of June as planned.  Cue crossing arms, pouting, whining, and smoke. 

Looking on the Bright Side…I do appreciate very thorough doctors and nurses.  I do not want to be writing a blog post about an accidental zap of my lung. 


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